September 16, 2024

Did you know that vehicular heatstroke is a leading cause of non-crash, vehicle-related fatalities for children aged 14 and younger? 😢

Here’s what you need to remember:

  1. Stop: Before stepping away from your vehicle, pause. Take a moment to assess your surroundings.
  2. Look: Glance around the car interior. Is there a child inside? 🧒
  3. Lock: Secure the car doors. It’s a simple action that can save lives. 🔒

Remember, it only takes a single second to prevent a tragedy. Since 1998, over 965 children have lost their lives due to vehicular heatstroke. Each one of these deaths was preventable. 😔

Key Facts:

  • Change in Routine: Often, these incidents occur due to a change in daily habits. Busy parents or caregivers may unintentionally forget a quiet or sleeping child in the backseat. This scenario accounts for more than half of all child heatstroke deaths since 1998.
  • Toddlers and Young Children: These little explorers can sometimes climb into unlocked vehicles without supervision. It’s essential to teach them that cars are not play areas. Store keys and fobs out of their reach. 🚗
  • Never Leave a Child Alone: Whether it’s a quick errand or a momentary stop, never leave a child unattended in a vehicle. The consequences can be devastating. 🌡️

Let’s spread awareness and protect our precious ones. Remember: Once You Park, Stop, Look, Lock—these actions could save a life. 💙

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