September 16, 2024

Anthony Lam, NTSB Transportation Safety Specialist, Office of Safety Recommendations and Communications

In a significant move toward enhancing aviation safety, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently mandated safety management systems (SMSs) for Part 135 operators, Part 91.147 air tour operators, and certain aircraft manufacturers. This ruling comes in response to the pressing need for proactive safety measures in revenue passenger-carrying operations. The NTSB swiftly responded to this development in a recent press release, commending the FAA for its decisive action while also stressing the need for further measures to ensure comprehensive protection for all passengers.

The journey toward this milestone ruling has been marked by the NTSB’s longstanding advocacy for SMS implementation in revenue passenger-carrying operations. The NTSB made its first aviation safety recommendation on SMS in 2007. This recommendation led the FAA to require commercial air carriers (Part 121) to implement an SMS. The agency’s ongoing advocacy for these systems in other revenue passenger-carrying operations is evidenced by six open safety recommendations to the FAA regarding SMS between 2016 and 2022, namely:

The NTSB hosted a panel discussion, “Improving the Safety of Part 135 Operations,” in 2020

Additionally, NTSB advocacy events and initiatives on SMS, such as our 2020 Part 135 safety panel discussion, 2021 NTSB blog post, and 2023 SMS virtual roundtable on the importance of implementing SMS in small to midsized aviation operations further underscore our dedication to promoting SMS in other aviation sectors. These advocacy events and initiatives, among others, highlight the critical role of proactive safety measures in aviation operations and underscore the NTSB’s dedication to promoting SMS in the aviation sector.

The NTSB hosted a virtual roundtable in 2023 to discuss the importance of implementing SMS in small to midsized aviation operations

The NTSB’s advocacy efforts, including the aforementioned events and initiatives, have played a crucial role in raising awareness and driving action toward SMS implementation in revenue passenger-carrying operations. These initiatives have paved the way for the FAA’s recent mandate, demonstrating the power of collaborative efforts in advancing aviation safety standards.

As we celebrate this milestone, it is imperative to acknowledge the collective efforts of all stakeholders involved. Moving forward, continued collaboration and proactive measures will be essential to addressing evolving risks and ensuring the comprehensive protection of passengers and crews alike. Together, we will continue to build a safer sky for all.

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