September 19, 2024
EV Charging Stations Under Attack

EV Charging Stations Under Attack

With the price of copper at an all-time high, at the time of this article over $4.00/lb it’s no wonder thieves are targeting the copper within EV charging stations. Seattle is experiencing an “epidemic” level of theft of cables totaling over 100 units in the past year. As you can imagine in a world where the big push at the moment is Electric Vehicles and now thieves are shutting down entire charging stations can certainly provide to be frustrating to say the least.

Surprisingly, there isn’t as much copper within these cables as you’d assume.

However, the high price of copper makes stealing these cables an attractive prospect for thieves. The problem is not limited to Seattle alone, as other cities across the United States and even internationally are facing similar issues with copper theft from EV charging stations. The theft of copper cables not only disrupts the operation of EV charging stations but also poses a significant safety risk.

When thieves cut the cables, they often leave the ends exposed, which can lead to electrocution hazards for anyone who unknowingly comes into contact with them.

The damage caused by the theft can be costly for charging station operators to repair, leading to longer downtime and loss of revenue. To combat this growing issue, some charging station operators have started implementing security measures such as installing surveillance cameras, using tamper-proof enclosures, and even employing security personnel. However, these measures can be expensive and may not entirely deter determined thieves.

The rising theft of copper cables highlights the need for increased security measures and awareness surrounding the issue. As the demand for electric vehicles continues to grow, it is essential to ensure that the infrastructure supporting them remains secure and operational.

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